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Blog posts : "poetry"

God Of Our Fathers

‘they also serve who only stands and waits’
- ‘On His Blindness’ by John Milton

Kneel before me, cover your head;
Take off your shoes.
Ashen your face, beat your breasts;
Mourn, repentance for your sins.
Heed commandments, fast and pray;
Sacrifice burnt offerings – dead animals.
Rest one day, w…

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She does not have a leg,
He cannot hold his fork;
She’s bald
He cannot see beyond his nose.
He cannot walk a step,
She cannot work a stove;
He’s scared
She cannot hold him in his hands.

I don't really know why ... honest. But I love this one. I remember writing this in college - words just flowing…

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Das Kapital

Stay alert comrade, keep watch.
Your time draws near.
Watch how the Capitalist depend on the Bourgeoisie.
But who do the Bourgeoisie depend on?
You, the Proletariat. You are under their thumb.
They extract from you to serve them.
Be crushed no longer.
Rise up in rebellion.
Take over the Bourgeoisie and thei…

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High you fly, bound by no bounds,
Silhouetted against the crimson night.
Graceful in thy skill,
Perfect in flight.
What force is it that keeps you suspended?
How do you sail on a blanket of air?
What master holds thy strings?
What master manipulates thy movements?
Do you stalk your prey and kill?
Or do you p…

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