
Mark Rocha - Official

Blog posts : "General Poetry"

World of Innocence

Every day I walk through a candy gate, 
that guards this big sugar building;
and as the purple sun illuminates my footprints in the blue sand,
I look forward to throwing square balls in baskets,
and running with my friends on the red grass among the many flowers.
Inside the building, this nice girl…

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So a couple of months ago, in February, my publisher Notion Press hosted a Valentine's Day competition. They invited writers from across India and the world to send their short stories and poems, with the promise that 100 poems and 100 stories would be selected to be published in an anthology (res…

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Front page of Zest by the Navhind Times

What an awesome Christmas gift! The lovely folks at the Navhind Times took the time out to talk to me about Resurrection and featured it on the front page of their weekend magazine, Zest. Huge thank you to Christine Machado for noticing the buzz around the book and giving me a spot on such a popular…

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Resurrection - Now available in India!

Two weeks after the worldwide release of Resurrection, the paperback is finally available for purchase in India. I cannot tell you just how happy and blessed I feel to finally be able to make this available here. Thanks to the super-smooth publishing over at Notion Press, Resurrection is now avail…

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Resurrection - Now available in paperback

I am super excited to announce that Resurrection is finally available in paperback in select markets, exclusively on Amazon.

Thanks to Amazon publishing, Resurrection is now available in all formats in the US, UK, Canada, and Europe. Unfortunately, however, it will still be a while before the pap…

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What is Amazon Kindle Unlimited? And other FAQs

Ever since I went exclusive with Amazon for Resurrection, I've been receiving messages asking me what Amazon Kindle Unlimited is, how it works, and most importantly, if Resurrection really is free to read. So instead of answering each of those messages individually, I decided to put together this li…

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Resurrection, exclusively available on Amazon worldwide

After the freebie promo right here on, Resurrection is now exclusively available on Amazon worldwide. "But Mark, didn't you say that you were going to sorta keep Resurrection as a free download forever?" Well, that's the great part about being an Amazon exclusive. If you love reading a…

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Merry Christmas, Resurrection is here!

I honestly didn't think I'd get this done in time for Christmas, but thanks to the awesome folks at Amazon, I guess wishes do come true! It gives me immense pleasure to announce that Resurrection is now available on Amazon (worldwide) as a Kindle ebook, and will be available as a paperback early nex…

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Resurrection, coming soon

I'm so excited about this! I've been working on compiling my second book for a few months now, but that's not the exciting part. What I'm really looking forward to is embracing the digital word. After Fallen and trying to push it as a physical copy, I realised that for all the nostalgia in the wor…

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Fallen, now on Flipkart and Amazon

Great news! Fallen is back on your favourite online retailers. Follow the links below to pick up your copy today.

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On engineered fraternity

We shared a leaf between us both
Of us it made a kin;
And no one knew -
They knew of you,
Of me they’ll find out too.

Unwilling birds together shared
To bring us both at once;
For us they died -
Who died hath tied,
So blood could claim we lied.

We crushed a seed with borrowed hands
We both found…

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If you met God

If you met God today
What would you say?
What might he look like?
What might He say?

Would you tell him you’re sorry
For the things you’ve done?
For the people you’ve cheated?
For the lies you’ve spun?

Or would you just stare
And say nothing at all?
Scared that at last
The wic…

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The locket

She gave her a locket
And told her “my girl,
This is precious, hold tight,
Keep it safe from the world – 
Till the day you meet someone,
Not tomorrow, but soon,
Who will promise the world,
With the sun and the moon.
But be wary, for words
Sell for less than a pound
And if your locket …

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Etsy Sale!

So Etsy has turned 13, and I'm taking part in the festivities. Till the end of June, you can grab a copy of Fallen at 10% off - no special code required, and with international shipping. So no matter where you are in the world, you can get yourself or someone special a copy of my first anthology of …

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Fortune finds itself surrounded by beggars
Cloaked in the shadow of guilt – 
Wretched bodies of men, thrown to the stones
On which this city was built.
Ashes to dust, your phoenix was slaughtered
By invalids covered in grease,
And through the streets and underground tunnels
You wait for th…

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'Fallen' is on Etsy

'Fallen' is now available on Etsy - right there on the first page of poetry listings! No matter where you are in the world, you can now get a copy of 'Fallen' delivered to your doorstep. Click here to check out my Etsy shop. 

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Now I lay me down to sleep,
But in my head, I howl and weep.
Tears, like the rain they fall;
Tears, bitter as the gall.
I try to hide the pain, but still
I am hurt against my will.
If I should die before I wake,
What good is there for me to take?
My heart is blacker than the night,
My heart…

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White light, bright sight, the thunder roars;
People run for cover as the rain pours.
A sign from heaven, absence of the sun;
The Lord is crying for the things I’ve done.
Dripping wet, soaked to the bone;
I come back drenched to an empty home.
Children asleep, silence is dead;
A quick showe…

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two buttons, on a face plastered white
hair down to the shoulders – dishevelled – nylon
moulded nose
molded chin
one ear missing
quietly seated on unused furniture.
like grandma's antique phonograph,
there is no music
save for the rain drops that make her dance.

I hate dolls, and cl…

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I tried to wake her
But she did not move
Paralysed by a sleep
That consumed her. (Shoes
In a corner, near a chair which at night
Came alive dressed in afternoon wear
By the light) -
So I sat by the window
And counted the stars
With no luck cos they blurred
Into nothingness. (Flowers
That …

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