
Mark Rocha - Official

Blog posts December 2019

What is Amazon Kindle Unlimited? And other FAQs

Ever since I went exclusive with Amazon for Resurrection, I've been receiving messages asking me what Amazon Kindle Unlimited is, how it works, and most importantly, if Resurrection really is free to read. So instead of answering each of those messages individually, I decided to put together this li…

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Resurrection, exclusively available on Amazon worldwide

After the freebie promo right here on, Resurrection is now exclusively available on Amazon worldwide. "But Mark, didn't you say that you were going to sorta keep Resurrection as a free download forever?" Well, that's the great part about being an Amazon exclusive. If you love reading a…

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Merry Christmas, Resurrection is here!

I honestly didn't think I'd get this done in time for Christmas, but thanks to the awesome folks at Amazon, I guess wishes do come true! It gives me immense pleasure to announce that Resurrection is now available on Amazon (worldwide) as a Kindle ebook, and will be available as a paperback early nex…

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Resurrection, coming soon

I'm so excited about this! I've been working on compiling my second book for a few months now, but that's not the exciting part. What I'm really looking forward to is embracing the digital word. After Fallen and trying to push it as a physical copy, I realised that for all the nostalgia in the wor…

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